Operating Systems, Virtualisation and Distributed Systems Security

Webmaster · May 13, 2022

In this Knowledge Area, we introduce the principles, primitives and practices for ensuring security at the operating system and hypervisor levels. We shall see that the challenges related to operating system security have evolved over the past few decades, even if the principles have stayed mostly the same. For instance, when few people had their own computers and most computing was done on multi-user (often mainframe-based) computer systems with limited connectivity, security was mostly focused on isolating users or classes of users from each other[1]. Isolation is still a core principle of security today. Even the entities to isolate have remained, by and large, the same. We will refer to them as security domains. Traditional security domains for operating systems are processes and kernels, and for hypervisors, Virtual Machines (VMs). Although we may have added trusted execution environments and a few other security domains in recent years, we still have the kernel, user processes and virtual machines as the main security domains today. However, the threats have evolved tremendously, and in response, so have the security mechanisms.

As we shall see, some operating systems (e.g., in embedded devices) do not have any notion of security domains whatsoever, but most distinguish between multiple security domains such as the kernel, user processes and trusted execution environments. In this Knowledge Area,

we will assume the presence of multiple, mutually non-trusting security domains. Between these security domains, operating systems manage a computer system’s resources such as CPU time (through scheduling), memory (through allocations and address space mappings) and disk blocks (via file systems and permissions). However, we shall see that protecting such traditional, coarse-grained resources is not always enough and it may be necessary to explicitly manage the more low-level resources as well. Examples include caches, Transaction Lookaside Buffers (TLBs), and a host of other shared resources. Recall that Saltzer and Schroeder’s Principle of Least Common Mechanism [1] states that every mechanism shared between security domains may become a channel through which sensitive data may leak. Indeed, all of the above shared resources have served as side channels to leak sensitive information in attack scenarios.

As the most privileged components, operating systems and hypervisors play a critical role in making systems (in)secure. For brevity, we mainly use the term operating system and processes in the remainder of this knowledge area and refer to hypervisors and VMs explicitly

where the distinction is important[2].

While security goes beyond the operating system, the lowest levels of the software stack form the bedrock on which security is built. For instance, the operating system may be capable of executing privileged instructions not available to ordinary user programs and typically offers the means to authenticate users and to isolate the execution and files of different users. While it is up to the application to enforce security beyond this point, the operating system guarantees that non-authorised processes cannot access its files, memory, CPU time, or other resources. These security guarantees are limited by what the hardware can do. For instance, if a CPU’s Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) does not have a notion of multiple privilege levels or address space isolation to begin with, shielding the security domains from each other is difficult—although it may still be possible using language-based protection (as in the experimental Singularity operating system [3]).

The security offered by the operating system is also threatened by attacks that aim to evade the system’s security mechanisms. For instance, if the operating system is responsible for the separation between processes and the operating system itself gets compromised, the security guarantees are void. Thus, we additionally require security of the operating system. After explaining the threat model for operating system security, we proceed by classifying the different design choices for the underlying operating system structure (monolithic versus microkernel-based, multi-server versus libraryOS, etc.), which we then discuss in relation to fundamental security principles and models. Next, we discuss the core primitives that operating systems use to ensure different security domains are properly isolated and access to sensitive resources is mediated. Finally, we describe important techniques that operating systems employ to harden the system against attacks.

Distributed Systems

A distributed system is typically a composition of geo-dispersed resources (computing and communication) that collectively (a) provides services that link dispersed data producers and consumers, (b) provides on-demand, highly reliable, highly available, and consistent resource access, often using replication schemas to handle resource failures, and (c) enables a collective aggregated capability (computational or services) from the distributed resources to provide (an illusion of) a logically centralised/coordinated resource or service.

Expanding on the above, the distributed resources are typically dispersed (for example, in an Azure or Amazon Cloud, in Peer-to-Peer Systems such as Gnutella or BitTorrent, or in a Blockchain implementation such as Bitcoin or Ethereum) to provide various features to the users. These include geo-proximate and low-latency access to computing elements, high-bandwidth and high-performance resource access, and especially highly-available uninterrupted services in the case of resource failure or deliberate breaches. The overall technical needs in a distributed system consequently relate to the orchestration of the distributed resources such that the user can transparently access the enhanced services arising from the distribution of resources without having to deal with the technical mechanisms providing the varied forms of distributed resource and service orchestrations.

To support these functionalities, a distributed system commonly entails a progression of four elements. These include (a) data flows across the collection of authorised inputs (regulated via Access/Admission Control), (b) transportation of the data to/across the distributed resources (Data Transport functionality), (c) a resource coordination schema (Coordination Services), and (d) property based (e.g., time or event based ordering, consensus, virtualisation) data management to support the desired applications such as transactions, databases, storage, control, and computing.

Consequently, distributed systems security addresses the threats arising from the exploitation of vulnerabilities in the attack surfaces created across the resource structure and functionalities of the distributed system. This covers the risks to the data flows that can compromise the integrity of the distributed system’s resources/structure, access control mechanisms (for resource and data accesses), the data transport mechanisms, the middleware resource coordination services characterising the distributed system model (replication, failure handling, transactional processing, and data consistency), and finally the distributed applications based on them (e.g., web services, storage, databases and ledgers).

This Knowledge Area first introduces the different classes of distributed systems categorising them into two broad categories of decentralised distributed systems (without central coordination) and the coordinated resource/services type of distributed systems. Subsequently, each of these distributed system categories is expounded for the conceptual mechanisms providing their characteristic functionalities prior to discussing the security issues pertinent to these systems. As security breaches in a distributed system typically arise from breaches in the elements related to distribution (dispersion, access, communication, coordination, etc.), the KA emphasises the conceptual underpinnings of how distributed systems function. The better one understands how functionality is distributed, the better one can understand how systems can be compromised and how to mitigate the breaches. The KA also discusses some technology aspects as appropriate along with providing references for following up the topics in greater depth.

[1] A situation, incidentally, that is not unlike that of shared clouds today.

[2] Targeted publications about developments in threats and solutions for virtualised environments have appeared elsewhere [2]

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